How to optimize your WordPress Website?

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When a visitor lands on your WordPress website, it takes only a few seconds to capture his attention. And if you fail to do this, you will suffer a huge loss which includes a decrease in user satisfaction, a decrease in ROI and an impact on google ranking. If your WordPress website is taking more than 5 seconds to load, you can’t even imagine how much visitors and traffic you are losing. We are going to talk about how to optimize the WordPress website.

Learning how to speed up and optimize WordPress website is the magical thing upon which you can work. But, the first question you may think is, Why WordPress website speed matters?

The two most effective and crucial reasons are 1. Slow speed results in losing traffic and  2. Speed is a ranking factor for search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Google takes this speed thing very seriously in its ranking algorithm. It says if your site is slow and affect SEO, you will be losing traffic and ranking in search engine. Who wants that? Obviously no one! So to prevent you from this trouble, let’s fix it!

How to optimize WordPress website?

Choose a good hosting

Choosing a domain and hosting is the very first step in the process of making a website. Choosing to host from the right platform affects a lot. Another hand, you will have to pay a huge cost. It can slow site speed and cut down the time during high traffic. If you are planning to publish informational and popular stuff on your website. Make sure you buy a good hosting for it. Check before investing that it should support a good speed. For more help and knowledge check our blog ‘Domain name selection for your website and its importance’.

Perfect solid theme

When you are buying themes that are available as premium or free, keep in mind your purpose of the website. Make sure you choose a theme that is completely relevant to your brand or website’s goal. The theme should be speedy and easy to customize. I recommend getting a paid theme always as it gives more features and elegant designs. If you get confused about what to choose you can ask us, we will help you out.

Effective plugins only

Do not download plugins before small research as sometimes it can crash your website. Always install the right and only usable plugins for your website. It also saves your time and also saves the speed of the site. WordPress plugins are effective and useful but some fall under the category of catching, it helps in improving the loading speed of the website and is free to install and use. The best one is W3 Total Cache and it has all the features, easy to install and use.

Image optimization

As WordPress always offers far better convenience and easy to use plugins, it has a plugin called WP-smushIt which does the work of optimizing your image size and make it better automatically. This is the best plugin if you have Windows and for Mac users there is Squash. It is crucial to optimize your images as it affects your website’s speed and performance. Another hand, if you don’t want a plugin to install, TinyPNG will work for you. It is one of the best image optimizers and will compress the size for you.

Have a clean homepage

Clean homepage does not mean delete all the things and make it clear and blank. It just makes sure you do not have a lot of unnecessary things on the home page. It is so important that it loads quickly and responds instantly as it is the first page your visitor will land on. Some of the tips you can use to make your home page effective include, use excerpts and not full posts, make navigation easy, fewer posts, remove less important widgets and last make it clean and focused.

Cleanup database

To clean your database means to optimize your WordPress database. Make sure you keep its size minimum and also reduce the size of backups. Check your website frequently and delete spam comments, old drafts, and fake users to avoid unwanted authorization. Short of it, another way is to use a WordPress plugin namely WP-optimize which can do all the tasks. It will reduce the database web file size and speed up your website’s performance.

Deactivate plugins

Do not install unnecessary and unwanted plugins on your website. It will add junk to your website. It will also increase the amount of backup and put a load on your resources. It is better to deactivate or uninstall the plugins that you are not using. Deleting unnecessary plugins will reduce the burden on your website and make it better to perform.

These are some tricks through which you can make your WordPress website better to use. Comment down your thoughts and doubts on this article. To get more knowledge you can check out our relatable blog, ‘Achieve high SEO rankings for your website’.

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