How to syndicate content to increase your reach to 10x!

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Limiting yourself to one format or one platform means you’ll miss out on opportunities to connect with new audiences. Making yourself accessible through multimedia syndication allows you to connect with more people, without the need to work yourself to death by creating multiple pieces of content. Before we head on to the topic of how to syndicate content to increase your reach, let’s discuss about content syndication.

What is content syndication?

Content syndication is a method of publishing content on other platforms to reach huge engagement. Web syndication is a form of syndication in which content is made available from one website to another website. It helps in building links and driving more traffic to your blog.

The Internet is like a shopping mall. Just like there are lots of stores in the mall, there are so many websites on the internet. You would love to go to that store which you found attractive and great quality. In the same way, out of millions of websites, you like to visit the same place where you get very good content.

What makes the content good?

“Content is anything that adds value to the reader’s life.”

But what is the purpose of good content if you don’t publish it on many platforms. You need to publish your content or your blog posts on as many platforms as possible. Let’s see how and where to publish blogs to get the more from it.

How to Syndicate content to increase your reach?

#1. Publish Great

Instead of making long and lengthy posts, write down a summary in a short post and keep it simple. Include graphics, doodles, and colors in it. Make your article simple yet elegant. Write ‘how to’ posts more often. Make sure you solve your reader’s problem and in the end, you give them the conclusion. Add every single detail in it about how to solve the particular thing.

People can always relate to visuals. What is the thing that keeps your readers engage in your blog is that you open up in images and graphics. Share every single detail about your blog.

Turn your blog’s starting into a curious one. Make sure to create catchy and curious headlines. It should contain suspense like a thing that your readers can’t stop to read it.

#2. Advertise on Facebook

You might feel that investing in an ad campaign for just a blog post is a waste of time and money. But consider this that good marketers always know that an ad campaign can be a great strategy. Facebook offers everything to target including geolocation and people’s interest. You can choose wisely and create your target audience.

#3. Questions & Answers with Quora

Quora is the best platform to not only search your questions and queries but it can also helpful in driving traffic towards you. Create an account on Quora, search some keywords related to your questions about any service and product and you can also answer any one of them. You can develop an image of an educational and well-spoken communicator and see how it helps your brand’s reputation. Although it does not lead to any overnight success if you keep consistency in it you’ll surely get one day.

#4. Post in communities

Communities are the platform that is an aggregation and rates web content. For eg, Reddit is one of them. Create an account on Reddit and you can share your content in the form of simple text, image or link. The content thereafter will be voted by other members. You can find many articles and subreddits here. It allows members to discuss and vote for it. As it has huge traffic you can take a good opportunity to publish your content over there and look at how it works.

#5. Run ads with Google

You might hear of Google Adwords before, which is an online advertising platform launched by Google where you have to pay to display brief ads about your product and services. Your ads will then appear on the google search results. Google Adwords is an essential part of marketing strategies. Make sure you learn a little about it before spending money on it or you can hire a digital marketer who can do the job for you.

#6. Post on LinkedIn

Publish content on LinkedIn if you want a new professional army of audience. You can publish about your brand on LinkedIn and then they can advertise it anywhere they like. You can also add a link to your blog in the content you’re posting. It is mainly run to build a professional network and to find jobs and to seek a job.

#7. Respond to comments

If you want your customers to respond to you, make sure you also respond to them. The comment section in your blog is not just for SEO purposes and makes your site look interesting. It is more about to drive traffic on your blog. Try to post ‘Thanks for reading’ and ‘do share’ more. This can build your brand image also and can make your blog more attractive. Make sure you take feedback about your blog that how much they like your blogs. After all, customers are everything!

#8. Link on Social Media

You never know which social media platform will take you to the top. If you’re publishing posts frequently and you’re not linking it to social media then your hard work is incomplete without it. And not only this but responding to your audience’s questions on time and giving them accurate answers will also lead to great traffic.

#9. Reshare your old content

Even if you are busy creating new content and are taking care of keeping the website updated. But the fact is you also need to reshare your old content. It also happens that the demand for one of the old posts was not there earlier and now it is trending. It is well said that ‘Old is Gold’. You can relate this phrase to your blog posts. Recreate your old posts into an infographic post or slide share. In this way, your customers will not feel that you are sharing the same post repeatedly.

#10. Make an offline marketing strategy

Marketing offline can also be quite. This does not mean that you have to walk on the road with pamphlets or banners in hand a cool strategy. You just need to act simply cool and interesting. There are some ways and examples through which you can do marketing offline.

  • You can organize a workshop for your brand to make people familiar with your brand.
  • You can organize some cool events or you can also join one. This will helps to create customers and make the name of your brand.
  • Stay connected with your old and permanent customers.
  • You can give offers and discounts to your customers on eve or festivals.
  • You can give coupon codes to your selected customers.
  • You can take seminars or educational events.

These are some strategies that we use to drive traffic on our website.

If you have any queries and want to know more about any of the points regarding how to syndicate content to increase your reach, feel free to comment down. We’ll catch you soon. And, don’t forget to get connected to designing bulls.

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